• Hello,

    I have a MAC, and I used MAMP to create a WordPress blog locally.

    Everything worked fine, except that my url wast localhost888,

    I checked on the internet and this article : http://www.ostraining.com/blog/wordpress/site-url-and-home-url-wordpress/

    showed me how to change the url of my WordPress by changing the “localhost88” in the wp_options> siteurl and then in the wp_option> home; by the url and I wanted, which was something like : http://mywebiste.com

    But now that I changed it I cannot find my website, I tried to change everything back to http://localhost888 again, and restart MAMP but it didn’t work either.

    I am really new at this, could someone please help me ?

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  • you have to change your mac’s hosts file on osx to recognize this new domain as your.. i.e.: you’re not looking on the internet for the domain, you’re looking on your local machine.

    in terminal write

    sudo vi /etc/hosts

    type your password (it won’t show characters, but it’s there) then hit enter

    with your keyboard hit down arrow a bunch of times until your at the bottom, then hit i (this allows you to insert/edit).

    then type mywebiste.com

    then hit esc then type ZZ then return (escape takes you out of “insert” and the capital ZZ will save the file.

    then flush your DNS cache by typing and entering:

    sudo dscacheutil -flushcache

    in terminal.

    I’m writing this from memory so forgive any mistakes.

    > Being as you’re really new at this, note that this won’t show on the internet, it’s only your computer that will show your localhost site from mywebiste.com

    I guess there might be an extra step I missed, here’s a tutorial on it:

    Virtual Hosts for MAMP (Mac Users)

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