Change the display size of the user card pictures
Is there a simple way to change the display size of the user card pictures?
Hello @dkance
There are multiple ways to change image size in user cards. If you are trying to make it bigger, you can override the plugin template from your theme but if you are trying to make it small, just some CSS will do the job for you.
Hello @dkance
You can navigate to wp-admin > ulimate member > appearance > profile > Profile Photo Size and choose the image size you want and also add following css to your site:
.um-directory .um-members-wrapper .um-member.with-cover .um-member-photo a img { width: 190px; height: 190px; }
Please feel free to make changes to CSS based on your requirement.
Hi @aswingiri,
Thank you for the css.
I tried with 250px but it did not work. Card pic size does not change.
.um-directory .um-members-wrapper .um-member.with-cover .um-member-photo a img { width: 250px; height: 250px; }
Is the code addressed to modify the Profile or the Card picture?
@dkance Above provided CSS is for the profile card on the member directory, if you have the grid view. I suggest you use the same size in CSS as you have selected on wp-admin > ultimate member > appearance > profile > Profile Photo Size
If CSS did not work for you please try adding !important
.um-directory .um-members-wrapper .um-member .um-member-photo a img { width: 190px !important; height: 190px !important; }
Hi @aswingiri,
Max Profile Photo Size on wp-admin > ultimate member > appearance > profile > Profile Photo Size is 190px x 190px.
How do I make it bigger?
“Add New Size” at UM Settings -> Uploads -> “Profile Photo Thumbnail Sizes (px)”
Install and use the “Ultimate Member – Regenerate Cover & Profile Photo thumbnails” Plugin from:
Hi @missveronicatv,
I just want to display a bigger pic size (not necessarily upload a bigger size).
Is this plugin still ok?
The saved original uploaded profile photo will be used for the regeneration.
I accessed um-regenerate-thumbnails.php.
I am used to installing zip files
How do I go about downloading and installing this file?
Thank you for the support.
You have more installation details here:
Thanks @missveronicatv
I am installing all the Basic Extensions.
Regards.I installed the plugin but it is not responding as expected.
I added a new size on Uploads/Profile Pic Thumbnail (190).
Modified Appearance/Profile pic size 190×190
I changed the settings for the pic size on the Regenerate plugin to 190×190.
I am getting a confirmation
– New: /mysite/wp-content/uploads/ultimatemember/17/profile_photo-190×190.png
But when I reload pages with pics they are not modified.
Please advise.
Thanks again.
You can try with this CSS:
div.uimob960 .um-profile-photo { width: 190px !important; height: 190px !important; }
Thank you for the code.
I did not work.
Using the plugin I configured it for 300 x 300 as follows:
Regenerate plugin picture size
Specific profile form pic sizeWhen updating Appearence/Profile/Pic Size I am getting a Safety Verification Error.
Any hints on how to solve this?
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