• Hi, I have an list block that I’m trying to centre. I tried adding the text-align: center in the additional css class section of the block but that didn’t center it. Any suggestions out there? Thankyou

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi,

    Please follow the below steps to make design adjustments

    Add one <div class=”listblockcentre”> tag with custom class before to the

      tag and then add this CSS code into Appearance->Customize->Additional CSS section

      .listblockcentre {
      display: flex;
      justify-content: center;

      Hope this helps!

    Thread Starter sarsarheyworth


    Hi Sundar, thanks for your help. I’m a beginner and not sure I understand the first part of your reply. I tried adding <div class=”listblockcentre”> to the list block settings – advanced – additional css class but am not sure if thats what you meant. Doing that and then adding the other css to theme customize – additional css, didnt center the list but im not sure if i did the first part wrong. could you please clarify the first part of the suggestion? thanks, zarah


    You can easily add the following CSS code in Appearance->Customize->Additional CSS

    .post-content ul {
    text-align: center;
    list-style-position: inside;


    You can use it with !important

    .post-content ul {
    text-align: center !important;
    list-style-position: inside !important;
    Thread Starter sarsarheyworth


    Hi Sundar, thankyou very much, that’s sorted it out. Thanks again!!

    Hi @sarsarheyworth

    You’re welcome! Thanks.

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