• Resolved readyallcz


    Hello, I am using your elementor widget and I would like to have categories in custom order as I have them in woocommerce.

    I manually reordered categories in woocommerce and I need to follow this order.

    Thank you for any help.

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  • Plugin Author WPBean



    Add this parameter to the shortcode – orderby=”menu_order”

    The final shortcode will look like this –
    [wpb_category_accordion taxonomy="product_cat" orderby="menu_order"]


    Thread Starter readyallcz


    Thank you! Works fine.

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by readyallcz.
    Plugin Author WPBean


    I am sorry, I thought you using our shortcode.

    Please update the plugin to your site, I just added the menu_order option in the Elementor widget.


    Thread Starter readyallcz


    I used shortcode instead. Will do the update in the future if needed.

    Thank you for fast response!

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