• Resolved hozefasmile


    the carousel script code

    const Ee=e=>{e&&e.play()}

    causing issue with video added inside the carousel block. When we move to next slide and then move back to the slide where video is added. it auto start the video to play. I have added a domain checker form on the page too and if I search for a domain on it, it also make the video to autoplay.

    changing code to

    const Ee=e=>{}

    resolve the issue. But I thought you should do the correction in your carousel block js file plugins/content-blocks-builder/build/carousel-frontend.js too.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Phi Phan


    Thank you, @hozefasmile, for reporting it. I have implemented that autoplay behavior for videos on carousels on purpose. Could you explain your use case? I don’t see any video on your page.


    Thread Starter hozefasmile


    There is a video in the section before footer

    see this screenshot https://prnt.sc/9o9Vw4GJenSC

    The issue is that , you can see previous next button in that slide, when we move to next slide and then go back to previous slide with video in it, it starts autoplay, that is not a good bheaviour

    Another issue is that, there is a domain search form at top on the page, when you search for a domain in it and click on search button, the page refresh and shows you the result that domain is available or not, but along with that the video also start to play.

    Plugin Author Phi Phan


    Thank you for the details. I will do the fix in the next release.


    Plugin Author Phi Phan


    Hi @hozefasmile, I have fixed it in the latest release. Thank you again for reporting it.


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