• Hello.

    I maintain a very very looong page of time travel movies – almost 15.000 words in one blog entry: http://krabat.menneske.dk/kkblog/2010/07/30/timetravel_movies_from_1896_and_on/

    It lives in a WP blog on my own server, and I run WP – 3.4.1_dk. I see there is a new version, but my problem hasn’t resolved since at least WP 3.2

    Captions used to look like this
    [caption id="attachment_3429" align="aligncenter" width="550" caption="Oh, she wishes, she does! (Recognise the face?)"]<img class="size-full wp-image-3429" title="Oh, she wishes!" src="http://krabat.menneske.dk/kkblog/../wp_uploads//2010/07/Britney-Spears-Time-Travel-30261.jpg" alt="" width="550" height="400" />[/caption]

    If I enter into edit mode and change as much as one comme, OR change showing to html, WP deletes captions and alignment upon publication:

    <img class="size-full wp-image-3429" title="Oh, she wishes!" src="http://krabat.menneske.dk/kkblog/../wp_uploads//2010/07/Britney-Spears-Time-Travel-30261.jpg" alt="" width="550" height="400" />

    And what is most annoying is, that not all captions disappear. This f.ex.

    [caption id="attachment_2525" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="An atomic mind in an atomic brain! (aka. Timeslip, 1955)"]<img class="size-large wp-image-2525 " title="atomic_man_poster_01 1955" src="http://krabat.menneske.dk/kkblog/../wp_uploads//2010/07/atomic_man_poster_01-1955-664x1024.jpg" alt="" width="200" />[/caption]

    losses its caption and becomes

    <img class="size-large wp-image-2525 " title="atomic_man_poster_01 1955" src="http://krabat.menneske.dk/kkblog/../wp_uploads//2010/07/atomic_man_poster_01-1955-664x1024.jpg" alt="" width="200" />

    while f.ex. this

    [caption id="" align="alignright" width="200" caption="Flying faster than light to "break" the Time Barrier (1960)"]<img class=" " title="Beyond the time barrier" src="http://cinefantastiqueonline.com/wp-content/uploads/beyond_the_time_barrier_poster_02.jpg" alt="" width="200" />[/caption]

    changes code, but does not lose caption

    [caption id="" align="alignright" width="200"]<img class=" " title="Beyond the time barrier" src="http://cinefantastiqueonline.com/wp-content/uploads/beyond_the_time_barrier_poster_02.jpg" alt="" width="200" /> Flying faster than light to "break" the Time Barrier (1960)[/caption]

    The difference appears to be that WP previously added ‘attachment’ as caption id. Deleting ‘attachmen’ and saving the page doesn’t help, though; all images, which had ‘attachment’ as caption id, still lose their caption and alignment!

    Going through the code has made me code blind. I cannot see, what is going on here.

    Editing now takes place off-line, manually, and then I avoid changing to visual editing, when inserting my changed code into the edit window of WP – but this is so not, what WP is about!

    Can you make me see, please!

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