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  • Hey @fuji2yama,

    My apologies for the delayed response.

    I took a look at the previous post where you shared the scan failure details. The error below indicates that the wp-admin directory may be blocked. I don’t see an attached .htaccess file. Can you please check to see if you have an htaccess file in the wp-admin directory restricting access? If there isn’t one there can you please share the contents of the htaccess in the WordPress root directory?

    Scan process ended after forking.

    Please let me know.



    Thread Starter fuji2yama


    Hi,thanks reply.

    Pls check contents of the htaccess.

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
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    Thread Starter fuji2yama


    @wfgerald Hi,can you check again??

    Hey @fuji2yama,

    Is this the htaccess file in your root directory? If so, can you please look in the wp-admin directory to see if there’s one there?



    Thread Starter fuji2yama


    # BEGIN WordPress
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    Thread Starter fuji2yama


    @wfgerald Hi,sorry late reply.
    Pls check this again.

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