• Resolved agrolsy


    I can’t connect the plugin to Facebook and select a catalog. I can give it permissions, select the business manager account, select instagram account and select Facebook page, but when I reach the catalog page they’re all greyed out. I can create a new catalog from that page, but that catalog will give me the same error message and can’t be selected. The error message is in Swedish, but translates to something like this:

    For the newly created catalog: The catalog isn’t associated with the shop that is connected to your site or your Instagram account

    For the catalog I use right now, using another plugin: The catalog has an existing data source that cannot be used with this application

    Could you please help me out?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 11 replies - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)
  • Hello @agrolsy

    I understand you are having a problem associating the catalog with the Facebook for WooCommerce extension.

    The error messages you’re getting seems quite uncommon, but from doing some digging on Facebook’s website I see that they say that your commerce account, Instagram account, and Facebook Page must be connected to the same Business Manager, and that error is suggesting that the Business Managers are not matching up on all fronts.

    Do you perhaps have different Business Managers? Can you please check if you’re initiating the catalog from the same Business Manager that you created it from? Facebook has some step-by-step instructions here on where to check those settings on their end:


    I’d also like to better understand your site. Could you please send me a copy of your site’s System Status? You can find it via WooCommerce > Status. Select “Get system report” and then “Copy for support”. Once you’ve done that, you can paste it here in your response.

    Once we have that information, we’ll be in a better place to h

    Thread Starter agrolsy


    The business manager account is the same for the catalog, facebook page and instagram accounts. I’ve got three sites with the same setup. It doesn’t work for my Swedish sites http://www.klickerforlaget.se and http://www.apporteringtillvardagochfest.se but for my English site http://www.retrievingforalloccasions.com

    ### WordPress Environment ###
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    WooCommerce Zettle Integration: av BjornTech AB – 7.5.0
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    ET Support Center :: Must-Use Plugins Autoloader: av Elegant Themes –
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    Parent Theme Version: 4.14.5
    Parent Theme Author URL: http://www.elegantthemes.com
    WooCommerce Support: ✔
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    Newest: 2022-01-09 12:44:57 +0100
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    Oldest: 2014-11-23 16:11:21 +0100
    Newest: 2020-03-03 19:51:20 +0100
    Väntar: 435
    Oldest: 2022-01-09 13:44:57 +0100
    Newest: 2022-06-07 20:58:08 +0200
    ### Status report information ###
    Generated at: 2022-01-09 13:06:19 +01:00

    Hi there

    Thank you for the additional information.

    I see from the System Status Report that you are using Instagram Feed Pro Business: av Smash Balloon – 5.12.9 for your Instagram feed.

    This is correct, because it is important to note that Facebook for WooCommerce does not support Instagram at this time. When connecting Facebook for WooCommerce you should not select Instagram as an option.

    Can you confirm that you are using the same Facebook user account to connect all three sites?

    Thread Starter agrolsy


    That plugin is just for displaying our instagram feed on our website, it doesn’t do anything with the Facebook catalog. Selecting Instagram or not when that option shows up doesn’t make a difference – I still can’t select any catalog.

    Yes, same Facebook user account and same Business Manager account for all sites.

    Hi @agrolsy,

    Thank you for confirming you have tried without selecting Instagram. That will definitely be a problem if you are trying to select it.

    You mentioned the three sites. Is it not working on all three or just on the Swedish sites?

    Can you also please double-check the permissions for the catalog? Please go to the Facebook settings here, and check the People/access settings for the Catalog (under Data sources) as well as the page — make sure the user you are under has full access/permission: https://business.facebook.com/settings/pages/


    Thread Starter agrolsy


    The English site works, the two Swedish doesn’t. Sam Facebook user, with the right permissions, Same business manager

    Can you check if you get any JavaScript errors in the browser console?
    Perhaps some parameter is translated that shouldn’t be…

    Thread Starter agrolsy


    No javascript errors on the facebook page, just some info that doesn’t change if I select the Enlgish Facebook page or the Swedish Facebook page

    Audit usage of navigator.userAgent, navigator.appVersion, and navigator.platform
    A page or script is accessing at least one of navigator.userAgent, navigator.appVersion, and navigator.platform. Starting in Chrome 101, the amount of information available in the User Agent string will be reduced.
    To fix this issue, replace the usage of navigator.userAgent, navigator.appVersion, and navigator.platform with feature detection, progressive enhancement, or migrate to navigator.userAgentData.
    Note that for performance reasons, only the first access to one of the properties is shown.
    1 source

    Hi @agrolsy

    As far as I am aware Facebook for WooCommerce isn’t working well when WordPress site language is set to another language than English and the store currency set to other than USD or other supported currencies.

    I see from your WooCommerce status report, your language and store currency is set to Swedish.

    Could you please try switching the language of the site to English and change the store currency to USD, then try the connection onboarding? You may want to try to create a new catalog too during the connection onboarding.

    I hope that helps!

    Let me know how it goes!

    Thread Starter agrolsy


    Ah ok. I’ll see if I can do that on a test site, but I can’t do it with my live site because there’s sales going on on the site all the time. If that’s needed for the plugin to work I’ll stick to my old plugin instead.

    Thread Starter agrolsy


    That didn’t make any difference at all 🙁

Viewing 11 replies - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)
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