• Hello guys, someone please help tell me what I’m doing wrong with my footer nav menu. I have registered two nav menues in the functios.php file. A header, and a footer. Both of the menus are successfuly showing up in the admin area and I’m able to drag and drop my pages to them and save them and the header nav works just fine. But the footer menu no matter what I do, it just shows a list of my pages in alphabetical order. I will show you the section of code I have in my functions.php file, my footer.php file and my header.php file even though the header nav is properly working. Soneone please help me! I know I’m doing something stupid like a syntax error, I just don’t know what it is!

    snippett from the functions.php file:

    // This theme uses wp_nav_menu() in two location.
    	register_nav_menus( array(
    		'header' => __( 'Header Navigation', 'JawauneSaad' ),
    		'footer' => __( 'Footer Navigation', 'JawauneSaad' ),
    	) );

    snippett of code from footer.php

    <div id="footer" role="contentinfo">
    	   <div id="footer-nav">
    		<?php wp_nav_menu( array(
    		   'container_class' => 'menu-footer',
    		   'theme_location' => 'footer' ) );
    snippet from header.php
    <strong><?php wp_nav_menu(array('theme_location' => 'header') ); ?>

    [Moderator Note: Please post code or markup snippets between backticks or use the code button.]

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