Hi Sparen
It’ll be up to your theme to opt widget areas out of the widgets block editor. You can do so using remove_theme_support( 'widgets-block-editor' );
or via the Classic Widgets plugin.
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Hi Andrew,
thanks for your fast reply, but I can’t find any kind of a “theme_support” for “widget block editor” in the functions.php of the main theme which I could remove in the child theme!
Hi Sparen
You can either use the Classic Widgets plugin or your theme can revert the widget area using:
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Hi Andrew,
with “Classic Widgets” Plugin I can edit the footer widget, but now siteorigin contact form widget is missing in some subdomains of a multisite enviroment where they were available before update pagebuilder from 2.4.25 to 2.20.1 and widget bundle from 1.8.1 to the 1.45.0.
Thanks again,
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