Also – selecting a date in the calendar scrolls the entire calendar off the screen – what on earth is with this thing?
I can set appointment times for 4pm but not 4:30 pm??? It’s like there are some settings fro “openign hours” hidden in the system or something??
What on earth is wrong with this?? How can this app possibly have so many 5 star ratings when it doens’t seem to work?
I’ve changed settings to European date format, but in the email templates it’s sending notifications to the client in US DATE format still!?!?
Need to fix this otherwise this plugin is unusable – you can’t be sending gobbledegook nonsense reminders to my customers that have unintelligible dates in them – the date is the key element of the reminder???? How do I fix this? URGENTLY? If I can’t use this plugin then you’ve wasted about 10 hours of my unpaid time trying to get this thing set up … need to hear back from you urgently in the next 4 hours …
To be clear I’m talking abut the |CHECKIN| field – it’s correctly formatted in |DETAILS| but you can’t send all this extra garbage to my clients -about calendar ID and so on – it looks COMPLETELY UNPROFESSIONAL – nor do I want my clients or competitors knowing what my total number of reservations is!?!?!?
This is ridiculous!!
Reservation ID 3
Calendar ID 1
Calendar name Donvale Dental
Selected language English
Check in 22 June 2019
Start at 13:00
Payment method None
1. Most probably you have the option “Add last selected hour price to total price” disabled in calendar >edit calendar settings >hours settings. You need to enable it and recreate availability in your calendar.
2. To add a different schedule for Saturdays only, you will need to create availability by disabling the other days in calendar >edit calendar settings. Just disable all days beside Saturday, create availability with the schedule you want for that day (only Saturdays will be affected) and enable back all days after this action.
3. The scrolling function is a feature of our plugin and can only be disabled from code.
4 The email templates are made from shortcodes which can be removed or added. You can simply delete the |DETAILS| or the other shortcodes if you don’t want them. To edit the |DETAILS| you will also need to modify the code.
The rating of Pinpoint Booking System free version is based on users feedback and on its features.
If you need help in configuring the plugin or you cannot handle our documentation, please send an email to our support team at and they will assist you.
Thank you!