• This request is for a blog. I am trying to update the blog so that the coding includes coding rel=author into the ‘about’ page

    My goal is to have the blog author’s profile pic show up in google searches, as instructed here:

    I have been able to complete most of the steps there except one – adding the “rel=author” field in the single-post.php area.

    Is this possible? or can it be accomplished in by other means?


    The blog is:
    <a href=”http://wifeinredemption.com/

    The error I get when I run a Structured Data Testing tool on google is:

    entry-title: About
    entry-content: My name is Julia Cheung and I’m a thirty-something life-long learner on a quest to live simply, authentically and generously. I yearn for community and meaning. Too often I find myself drowning…
    Error: Missing required field “updated”.
    Error: Missing required hCard “author”.

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