Plugin Author
if you have all needed lines in the htaccess, but it’s still throwing this error, then your server probably doesn’t support WebP.
File size check is correct how it is. It means that it can not load testing WebP file which is smaller than 100kb and it received original bigger file instead.
Simply said, it’s not a problem in the plugin but in your server configuration or some restrictions or missing dependencies or libraries.
I can imagine some more advanced and sophisticated tests to reveal the issue properly, but as this is just a very simple free plugin, there is no intention currently to spend more time on this part of the plugin.
So I recommend you to ask some developer to help you debug issue or misconfiguration in your setup.
I see…
Since the reason of failed activation is actually twofold, please consider reflecting it in the message, otherwise users can be mislead and look to wrong direction – it should also save your time by reducing forum requests.
Plugin Author
Of course, if you will let me know then, what was the problem, then I can maybe implement some condition to check this, so it will not happen to anyone else.
Sure will do if I can get it cleared from my hosting provider – so far it seems that they have a proxy server before Apache which bypasses htaccess for static standard image files, I have informed them about the issue.
Meanwhile, what I actually suggested was not any code development to catch edge cases, rather to consider making a simple change of the error message text to make it clearer for users, e.g. “Activation not finished – webp substitution test failed, please check .htaccess file has following lines… … alternatively your server may be not properly configured… etc.”, something along these lines.
Thanks !
I have found the issue reason with my hosting provider, so in case if it might help someone else with the same specific issue:
1. Hosting is using NGINX in front of Apache.
2. Static files (like images) were served directly by NGINX, so Apache .htaccess was not called in this case, i.e. plugin file substitution lines were not engaged.
3. Solution is to disable NGINX direct processing of static files, so Apache .htaccess is engaged – in my case the hosting provider advised that they can modify NGINX settings (global change) or I can change specific files (or directories) rights to 640 (or 750).