• Resolved ancorablue


    Hi, I have a problem with 4 sites all hosted at the same place, the issues seemed to have started when WordPress was updated to 5.7.2. (I’ll only link to the newest one as it’s a fresh install). The 4 sites all give me the same problems, which I only discovered when I installed the latest one. I can not login via WP Admin for any of the sites. Initially I thought I had forgotten my password, but that is not the case.

    All of these sites have been installed by Softaculous. All were version 5.7.2 and all had been auto updated to that version by Softaculous. I can only access WP admin of these sites via the cpanel with Softaculous.

    I believe this problem started when the sites were updated to 5.7.2. So, I updated one of the 4 sites to the latest WordPress 5.8 to see if that would make any difference, but it did not. So whatever the problem is with these 4 sites, updating to WordPress 5.8 did not resolve it. Neither did deactivating all plugins while using the default template.

    Not only can I not login from wordpress admin, but even with logonizer deactivated I still can not so that suggestion (my host suggested this) does not seem to work for me on any of these sites. There are other issues I am having with the sites as well.

    I can deactivate plugins, but I can not delete them. It either hangs and won’t do anything at all but displays a long error message on the top of the page, or I get a 404 page not found error. If I try to bulk deactivate I get 404 page not found. I can only deactivate one by one.

    To test things on one site I deactivated all plugins and installed the default template. It did not resolve the issue. I did not really expect it to, since I have the same issues with my new site (the one linked here) which is just a fresh default install with nothing else added.

    On tickledpinkpress.com which is the fresh install, I tried to update a plugin and got an error as well. I think there is a problem with redirecting but that is as far as my knowledge can take me. I do not understand what is happening or why this is affecting only these 4 sites when they were updated by Softaculous to 5.7.2.

    I am including one of the error messages I received when testing.

    I am well out of my wheelhouse here. I have communicated with my host but have had no help there. I have done as much searching as I can, but have not found information on my issue that has led to any solutions. I’m lost and hoping maybe someone can offer some advice?


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    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator Hari Shanker R


    Hi @ancorablue 👋

    That is definitely an odd issue – what’s interesting is that all 4 sites in the same hosting face the same problem, and that definitely makes me curious!

    The first troubleshooting step I would suggest for you would be to enable debugging for your site. Here’s how: https://wordpress.org/support/article/debugging-in-wordpress/

    Once that’s done, please try replicating these steps again to see if you run into the same errors. If they persist, please navigate to the /wp-content/ folder in your WordPress root, and try opening the debug.log file. Do you find any error messages in there? Could you share them with us here?

    If that does not give us any. hints, you can try installing the Debug Bar plugin to see if that shows any errors in your site: https://wordpress.org/plugins/debug-bar/

    With all that said, I suspect that there could be a security issue in your site – like an SQL injection attack, especially when you mentioned that it started with the Softaculous auto-update. Do you see any weird messages or ads anywhere in your site? It might also help to replace all the WordPress files in one of your sites with fresh WP 5.7.2 files (except the /wp-content/ directory ) of course, to see if that helps.

    Let us know if this leads you anywhere.

    Thread Starter ancorablue


    Thank you so much for your reply. I have followed the steps you outlined, but it did not go well unfortunately.

    I tried to enable debugging: I added the code as directed, replicated the issues, but there does not seem to be a debug log. I am looking in wp-content, with hidden files set to visible, but I see no debug log.

    I then tried to install the Debug Bar plugin:

    I still can not login from wp-admin so I have to login going through Softaculous via my cpanel.

    I can not install plugins, I click on install it hangs like it is searching but will not load anything on the page.

    This is a fresh install that only has 2 plugins that were installed when Softaculous created the site – Akismet Anti-Spam and Loginizer.

    I can deactivate and deactivate these 2 plugins.

    Akismet has an update available, but I can not update plugins (I get that error I posted initially).

    I can not delete plugins.

    So then I tried to upload the plugin (Debug Bar), but it will not install, I get pushed to a 404 page not found error message.

    Do I see any weird messages or ads anywhere in my site? – No, nothing. One of the sites (the one I am testing on because there is nothing there to lose) is brand new, I have added nothing at all to it so it’s a clean fresh install with no content added whatsoever. I could not add or edit anything because the fresh install was having all of these issues.

    It might also help to replace all the WordPress files with fresh WP 5.7.2 files …

    I have not done this only because since one of the sites is a clean new install so I am not sure how that could make a difference, literally nothing has been changed or added to it.

    So I am lost and clearly even deleting my sites and starting over would not fix this, because the fresh install is having the same issues. My host won’t help unless I pay them to research the issue. But I feel that’s not really fair, since the fresh install can’t be used it’s obviously not anything I have done to cause this. I am starting to think my only choice is to find a new host and rebuild my sites elsewhere. Oh boy, that’s a horrible thought.

    As I was writing this I had a thought. I had tried this on 3 browsers and had the same issue, but today my husband’s new computer arrived so I tried it on his computer and I could login from wp-admin, and I could delete and update plugins (on the new site). I would think this was therefore just my own computer, but this only worked on the new install, the other sites still could not be logged into other than via the Cpanel.

    If anything at all comes to mind that I should test I would be grateful for the suggestions. Thank you.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by ancorablue.
    Thread Starter ancorablue


    I have done more testing and tracked this down to a problem with Bitdefender. I have now found other people with the same issue. So if anyone else is looking for help, check these posts for more details:



    This was an insane issue that made no sense, but ultimately removing Bitdefender antivirus (free version) resolved the problem.

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