• Hi everyone,

    I have done a lot of searching and a lot of attempts but having some trouble getting this to work.

    I have a custom post type called price. In here I have a custom meta box that lists all the pages within my website along with a checkbox. What happens is admin creates a price and then assigns it to multiple pages by ticking the checkbox.

    So what I have in the database in wp_postmeta is a meta_key called ‘ap_linkto_page’ and a list of page ids e.g. ‘7,86,16,12’.

    Now for each page on the the front-end I need to list the prices but only the prices that are assigned to the page we are on. So the above price is attached to page id 7,86,16,12 so if I am on any of those pages I need to show the price.

    Any ideas how I can get this to work? This is all I have but it just lists all prices.

    if (count($arr) > 0)
    	$i = 1;
    	$args = array(
    		'post_type'		 => 'price',
    		'posts_per_page'	=> -1,
    		'orderby'		   => 'menu_order'
            $prices = get_posts($args);
    	foreach($prices as $price)
    		echo $price->post_title;

    I think I need to explode the array of ids and add the id in to the args somehow. Any ideas?

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