The plugin is deactivated right now, but i saw that you set amount=”88″ which is interpreted as 0.88 by stripe and too low to be able to process.
To charge 88, please insert 8800 as the amount.
I used do_shortcode on your shortcode to get the HTML code and paste to the page (I parse the shortcode via ajax due to my requirement that I need the user to select the donation amount). Prior to this update, it worked perfectly. However, it doesn’t work now.
Thank you for the feedback, I realize it may be linked with the way I set up the button to retrieve the data to allow users to use multiple buttons in same page.
That is clearly an issue in your case and in other cases when the page is loaded via ajax and is not fully reloaded.
My idea would be to set the use of multiple button in same page to be optional (it would also increase performance for single buttons).
But as always I need time and can’t promise any deadline.