• I appreciate if anybody can help. I want to list text in bullet points (unordered list) and numbering (ordered list). If I list them in bullet points then my wordpress aligns the text correctly. But if I list them in ordered list (numbering) then my wordpress wraps the second line of text under the number in each case. I want it to align like with my bullets, i.e. next to the numbering.

    Here is the link so you know what i mean:

    I assume this has to be adjusted in the style sheet.

    Here I paste the code I found in the style sheet that might be related to this issue (but not 100% sure as I am not an expert in wordpress)

    .entry ul li {
    	list-style:circle outside !important;
    	padding:3px 0px;
    .entry ul li ul li {
    	list-style:disc inside !important;
    .entry ol li {
    	list-style:decimal inside !important;
    	padding:3px 0px;
    .entry ol li ol li {
    	list-style:decimal-leading-zero inside !important;
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