• The URL used to search is the BLOB url, which is contained within _wp_attachment_metadata’ instead of ‘_wp_attached_file’.

    I’m not sure if there is a better way around this, but this filter searches _wp_attachment_metadata instead. Perhaps ‘windows_azure_storage_info’ would be more appropriate?

    function azure_fix_attachment_url_to_image( $post_id, $url ) {
    	global $wpdb;
        $dir = wp_upload_dir();
        $path = $url;
        $site_url = parse_url( $dir['url'] );
        $image_path = parse_url( $path );
        //force the protocols to match if needed
        if ( isset( $image_path['scheme'] ) && ( $image_path['scheme'] !== $site_url['scheme'] ) ) {
            $path = str_replace( $image_path['scheme'], $site_url['scheme'], $path );
        if ( 0 === strpos( $path, $dir['baseurl'] . '/' ) ) {
            $path = substr( $path, strlen( $dir['baseurl'] . '/' ) );
        $sql = $wpdb->prepare(
            "SELECT post_id FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = '_wp_attachment_metadata' AND meta_value LIKE '%%%s%%'",
        $post_id = $wpdb->get_var( $sql );
    	return (int) $post_id;


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