Same for me. Any news on an update? Thanks.
After updating to Woocommerce 3.6.5 and WordPress 5.2.2, I get a message that says “Loading Failed” when I open Stock Manager.
Plugin Contributor
“Not compatible with newest version of woocommerce and wordpress. Not showing inventory count or inventory count field for all products.” – this is not true. Use screen option in right top corner.
Using the screen options works for sure for stock count, but when choosing “thumbnail” nothing is shown, not even the screen options anymore, so it´s not usable anymore.
Hi @chickenfilmstudios @aculine @theblackkraken @zokiu, not sure if you are aware, but there is a plugin called ATUM – I have moved away from WooCommerce stock manager as the support here is very slow and this plugin has no added value.
Here is the plugin – its free and fully documented.
Be good.
Hi, I tried with Twenty Nineteen instead my Customized Scandinavian Theme and plugin has started to work again.
I’m investigating.
I found my personal solution.
I used a function to manage price, adding a ‘*’ after it. For some reason, WordPress change something in “is_admin()” function used in my function. Now I solved moving from:
if ( ! is_admin()):
//function for theme pages
if ( ! is_admin() && wp_doing_ajax() ):
//function for theme pages
With this, now Woocommerce Stock Manager works.
It maybe helps @musilda.
Plugin Contributor
Thank you for you solution.