• This is what happened to me, on all my 3 wordpresses:


    It doesnt matter how many times I click on the Visual button… it is just DEAD… I am stuck with the code tab forever… (see image).

    I have three sites with different templates, and they are all with the same problem.

    What have I done:

    1- Loged out, loged in, Turned On and Off the profile option to use and not use the enhanced editor.
    2- Cleared my browser cash, even tested on different computers. Tested on Opera, Firefox, IE 6, IE7 and Safari. All the same.
    3- Searched on this forum, and nothing helps me on fixing.
    4- Re-Sent ALL the files from the latest WordPress 2.3.1 version and replaced all the files, and even that did not fix.
    5- Changed my Templates for the classic template and the other default template, and they are the same…

    6- It was working perfectly for a month after I installed the WordPress. Then the Visual tab died, so I updated to the latest version 2.3.1 and the Visual editor was fixed… Then again, after a few weeks… BAM… I got Stuck again.

    I run out of ideas… there has to be something you guys can do, help!!! Please!

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  • Thread Starter godofcomics


    I even looked at the code myself (I know intermediary php), and can’t find anything to work…

    I even changed the button style to see if it was it.. weird stuff

    Thread Starter godofcomics


    I am getting somewhere now, after wasting the entire day, I got this error from IE 7:

    Line: 218
    Char: 1
    Error: Object expected
    Code: 0
    URL: http://myblog.com/wp-admin/post-new.php

    This one came up when I deleted everything from my server, re-uploaded the wordpress files and then, opened on a cash clean IE 7.

    I AM using the Visual tab now, but the buttons are missing (Bold, align etc), so, it is some kind of advancement ^^

    Thread Starter godofcomics


    New error:

    Line: 100
    Char: 2
    Error: Object doesn’t support this property or method
    Code: 0
    URL: http://myblog.com/wp-admin/post-new.php

    Line: 184
    Char: 713
    Error: Unterminated string constant
    Code: 0
    URL: http://myblog.com/wp-admin/post-new.php?posted=49

    Thread Starter godofcomics


    Line: 44
    Char: 2
    Error: ‘realTinyMCE’ is undefined
    Code: 0
    URL: http://myblog.com/wp-admin/post-new.php?posted=49

    Thread Starter godofcomics


    I think the best solution for anyone havint this problem is to back up to the version 2.3. I am running that version on another WordPress site and it works like a charm.

    Once they fix this bug of the Visual tab disappearing, we can update back to 2.3.1

    Spent two days trying to work it out, but there is nothing I could do to fix.

    Can you try Firefox + Firebug and see exactly what’s breaking? Sounds like weird cache issue… Maybe not the browser cache, but a network cache somewhere between you and your host. Or your antivirus/antispyware/anti-whatever interferes with the js.

    BTW 2.3 has exactly the same editor configuration as 2.3.1.

    Thread Starter godofcomics


    Maybe not the browser cache, but a network cache somewhere between you and your host.

    You could be correct, I have two WordPress blogs on the server “a”, and one wordpress blog on yahoo. The only one that works correctly is the yahoo one, being version 2.3

    The other two on the other server “a”, both have the visual tab problem, both version 2.3.1

    PS: A new stable version is out, this will fix, I hope ^^

    Thread Starter godofcomics


    Here goes Firebug errors:

    When I click on the Visual tab, nothing happens, but this errors appears on the console:

    switchEditors is not defined
    onclick(click clientX=0, clientY=0)
    switchEditors is not defined
    Line 1

    Just by loading the “write post” page, I get these errors:

    realTinyMCE is not defined
    onLoad()tiny_mce_gzip.php (line 43)
    [Break on this error] tinyMCE = realTinyMCE;
    realTinyMCE is not defined
    onLoad()tiny_mce_gzip.php (line 43)
    [Break on this error] tinyMCE = realTinyMCE;

    Error 2:

    unterminated string literal
    [Break on this error] /www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><base href="' + tinyMCE.settings.base_href + '" /><title...
    unterminated string literal
    Line 183

    Error 3:

    tinyMCE.getInstanceById is not a function
    Line 99

    And here I copied the lines that firefox pointed above as problematic:

    post-new.php, line 1
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

    autosave.js line 99:
    var rich = ((typeof tinyMCE != "undefined") && tinyMCE.getInstanceById('content')) ? true : false;

    tiny_mce_gzip.php, line 43
    tinyMCE = realTinyMCE;

    tiny_mce_gzip.php, line 183
    tElm = targetDoc.frames[this.editorId];this.targetElement = tElm;this.iframeElement = targetDoc.getElementById(this.editorId);if (tinyMCE.isOpera) {this.contentDocument = this.iframeElement.contentDocument;this.contentWindow = this.iframeElement.contentWindow;dynamicIFrame = true;} else {this.contentDocument = tElm.window.document;this.contentWindow = tElm.window;}this.getDoc().designMode = "on";}doc = this.contentDocument;if (dynamicIFrame) {html = tinyMCE.getParam('doctype') + '<html><head xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><base href="' + tinyMCE.settings.base_href + '" /><title>blank_page</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"></head><body class="mceContentBody">


    So, I opened my other wordpress – the one with the working visual tab, and checked for errors as well… the visual tab works perfectly, but it is good for comparison…

    I switched from the visual to the code, and just one error was shown in the console:

    autosave.js, line 99

    tinyMCE.getInstanceById is not a function
    autosave()autosave.js (line 99)
    onTimerEvent()prototype.js (line 191)
    bind()prototype.js (line 105)
    [Break on this error] var rich = ((typeof tinyMCE != "undefined") && tinyMCE.getInstanceById('content...

    If the WP devs want to acess my broken blog, I can give acess/create an account, just ask here ^^

    It looks like all errors start from this:

    unterminated string literal
    /www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><base href="' + tinyMCE.settings.base_href + '" /><title...

    Maybe a plugin issue… Did you try disabling all plugins and then clearing the browser cache?

    If no change, can you copy the content of tiny_mce_config.php from whitin Firebug (while you’re on the write/edit page) and paste it here. Maybe there will be more clues in there.

    Thread Starter godofcomics


    I have no plugins installed, but I Disabled All Plugins and cleared the cash again. As strange as it is, one of the errors is gone. =P

    Only showing two errors, the first one happens just by loading the page: It shows two times on the console:

    realTinyMCE is not defined
    onLoad()tiny_mce_gzip.php (line 43)
    [Break on this error] tinyMCE = realTinyMCE;

    And this one below, who only shows up when I click on the Code Tab. The Visual tab generates no error when I click on it, but it remains dead like the image I posted on the first post.

    switchEditors is not defined
    onclick(click clientX=0, clientY=0)

    Here goes the code you asked:

    2initArray = {
    3 mode : "specific_textareas",
    4 editor_selector : "mceEditor",
    5 width : "100%",
    6 theme : "advanced",
    7 theme_advanced_buttons1 : "bold,italic,strikethrough,separator,bullist,numlist,outdent,indent,separator,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,separator,link,unlink,image,wp_more,separator,spellchecker,separator,wp_help,wp_adv,wp_adv_start,formatselect,underline,justifyfull,forecolor,separator,pastetext,pasteword,separator,removeformat,cleanup,separator,charmap,separator,undo,redo,wp_adv_end",
    8 theme_advanced_buttons2 : "",
    9 theme_advanced_buttons3 : "",
    10 language : "en",
    11 theme_advanced_toolbar_location : "top",
    12 theme_advanced_toolbar_align : "left",
    13 theme_advanced_path_location : "bottom",
    14 theme_advanced_resizing : true,
    15 browsers : "msie,gecko,opera,safari",
    16 dialog_type : "modal",
    17 theme_advanced_resize_horizontal : false,
    18 convert_urls : false,
    19 relative_urls : false,
    20 remove_script_host : false,
    21 force_p_newlines : true,
    22 force_br_newlines : false,
    23 convert_newlines_to_brs : false,
    24 remove_linebreaks : false,
    25 fix_list_elements : true,
    26 gecko_spellcheck : true,
    27 entities : "38,amp,60,lt,62,gt",
    28 button_tile_map : true,
    29 content_css : "http://myblog.com/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/wordpress.css",
    30 valid_elements : "p/-div[*],-strong/-b[*],-em/-i[*],-font[*],-ul[*],-ol[*],-li[*],*[*]",
    31 save_callback : 'TinyMCE_wordpressPlugin.saveCallback',
    32 imp_version : "20070528",
    33 plugins : "inlinepopups,autosave,spellchecker,paste,wordpress"
    Thread Starter godofcomics


    Ps: The line 99 error is back

    Error: tinyMCE.getInstanceById is not a function
    Source File: http://x.com/wp-includes/js/autosave.js?ver=20070306
    Line: 99

    If realTinyMCE is not defined, all other js that use it will fail. On the other hand the content of tiny_mce_config.php is OK.

    The only other explanation is that gzip is not working properly on this server. TinyMCE gets zipped before sending it to the browser. That makes it a lot smaller in size.

    Try commenting out line 89 in wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce_gzip.php. It should look like this:
    // $supportsGzip = true;
    (don’t forget to clear the browser cache after that).

    If that works, send a ticket to your web host and ask them to check the zip/gzip configuration.

    Thread Starter godofcomics


    It didn’t solve, but thanks for taking a look ^^

    I have had the same problem. I use Linux and XP. The problem persists across all browsers and OS combinations. Java is enabled, NoScript is not installed, and there are no tell tale errors, just no visual editor.

    I am running SVN code updated regularly.

    Thread Starter godofcomics


    it must be our servers irvingbennett. The same files are working fine on my other server… Strange.

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