Plugin Author
Howdy @britishfilth
I’m awfully sorry to hear that your site was broken after activating my plugin. I’m also glad to hear you were able to get it back up with the help of your hosting provider. They sound like a keeper.
The only other time I’ve heard from a user of the plugin about something like this happening it involved a conflict with the Custom Twitter Feeds plugin. Can you tell me if that’s a plugin you were using when you activated Child Themify?
If it wasn’t, I’d be grateful for a list of plugins you did have on the site, as well as the theme you were using. Obviously this won’t undo the broken site, but hopefully I can fix the issue and help future users avoid the same crashes in the future.
Thread Starter
Hi John,
Thanks for the reply. Yes I am also using Custom Twitter Feeds as a plugin. Would a solution be to deactivate that, use Child Themify to create a child theme, deactivate Child Themify then re-activate Custom Twitter Feeds?
Plugin Author
Hi Matt,
That was the work-around, but I’m releasing a minor update to the plugin to fix the incompatibility so they can both be active at the same time. Look out for v2.0.1 to come out in a bit.