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  • I like this theme too so I tried it to see how it did pic for the slider and if u activate it next to it is says :

    ‘To display the Featured Slider in homepage, go to your post, set the Featured Images and add category name β€˜Featured’. If there is no post in Featured category, the slider will not appear. Open readme.txt (included in the zip file) for more documentation.’

    Some themes have a “theme options” menu item under Appearance but not this one.

    Hope it helps u!

    If u need help w/setting a “Featured Image” photo or making “featured” category I will check in so just ask here I will keep checking in.


    Hi I have a question too about the slider.
    The slider shows the featured images from posts, but if the post is shown,
    I can see the image twice, what is not really nice.

    Does anybody know how to solve this?

    Thanks in advance!

    Regards, Koen

    PS: temporary url:

    Sometimes if u make a photo the “feature image” (not as category) and “insert” photo into post it can show 2x. Try to insert into post the one u want there and then only use category selection of “featured”. There is a “featured image” on right sidebar near bottom of the edit/new post page unless it is hidden by the “screen options” tab on top next to “Help” tab. I think the slider will take from the featured category not the “Featured image” on right sidebar bottom.
    Oh and if u use the “featured photo” from sidebar it wont show in post automatically , u have to “insert” it. (most themes but not all) Most times the “featured inmage” is used for the thumbnail too and still not show in post unless u “insert it”. I guess so u can have diff thumb than one in post if u want to.

    Hope this help, good luck and dont give up!

    I will try this theme on demo site i have to see more. Maybe there is a option to show slider on all pages or just home page so look around for that. Check back in few days I wil try to help bc I am qurious no myself. I think I used this theme on another site w/out probs.

    My slider home page images also show up on my blog page. I would like the front page to be static and blog page for blog posts. Since the slider works with post featured images, how can I have a separate separate blog page with blog posts? HELP!

    @wacosta your site looks amazing! I would try to make the photos files size smaller so the will load in page faster. There is plugin to make them smaller all at once! tried to find in the plugind dir but cant remember the name of it. Maybe someone will comment w/the name of it and i think there is more than one to do it. Or just do the old way w/paint and re-upload using ftp.
    As for the slider I would try to take a look at the php and try to find the part that puts the slider on post/page and remove it from the page.php or single.php.
    Nice site and good luck.

    @givesuccess thank you for your tips. I will check the php although with a quick view I did not see the slider call out on the page.php or single.php. I’ll try and figure out. cheers.

    I am off for next few days so I iwll be looking for something to do. I will dl the theme and take a look at it n see if i can find. Same too it is nice theme. I think someone else had same issue w/it b4 a few months ago.

    1 thing make sure u r not using a “featured image” in the “new post” section on the bottom of rightsidebar. This theme uses featured categories for the slider but featured images are the ones that will show as the “thumbnail” for the post. It mentions thiis in the read me file in the themes dir. I cant find how the slider shows on the post pages either in the php. I am no pro tho.
    Is it the actual slider or just 1 picture showing on the post? Maybe u r seeing the “featured image” witch is not related to the featured category for the slider. Add 3-4 pages/post to the featured category then look at one of them post.. is the photo at top show slider w/all the featured categories or just the photo for that post (1 non sliding photo)

    Wow it can get confusing to write about this stuff…lol plus what aI wrote u may already know. I downld the theme and will add some random stuff to a demo site tomarrow. I like the theme too and I may want to use 1 day so I can try to figure it out for us all (maybe…lol) b4n

    @givesuccess. Yes, I need to use featured images for the nivoslider which then also shows up in the blog. For some reason, the blog page is picking up all the front page items (slider and widgets.)

    It’s confusing because the images that go into the slider have to be featured images and inserted into posts.
    In my WP settings I want my posts to display in the blog with a static front page. HOW do I EXCLUDE the 4 images for the nivo slider from showing up in the blog? Anyone???

    Brightpage theme

    I tried to get the same prob to happen on this site: but it wont show the double photos as yours.
    Try to delete the theme files and start ovr w/new to see if maybe it got broken somehow or maybe it easier to just try different theme like: pandora 1.3.2 (demo here ) the default look might be to “busy” for you but It may work with a bit of tweaking …and luck…lol. I like the slider with it better than brightpage’s.

    Or get slider plugin and put hard coded in them removing the nivoslider php from the index page.

    If u want to mess w/the cell phone demo of brightpage theme just ask and I will give uname and pw to u can compare with yours and maybe get it to work the way u want. Or if u allow me into yours I would be happy to give it a shot to try to fix what is there.

    Best of luck 2 u !

    Wacosta, i saw this theme is new today! It has a nice slider and looks close to the brightpage one. It is free but has a paid pro version. You prob wont need the extra stuff tho.

    Thank you . I will check it out!!

    Hi – I changed the banner on my website to a custom image, but am seeing a white disk shape over the banner where the title used to be. How can I get rid of this spot over my banner?

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