Thanks for reaching here.
1.) You display category wise post, please add below shortcode and pass category parameter category id.
[recent_post_slider design="design-3" category="Your category id" show_category_name="false" show_author="false" show_read_more="false" show_content="false"]
2.) You display post id wise post, please add below shortcode and pass posts parameter post id.
[recent_post_slider design="design-3" posts="your post id" show_category_name="false" show_author="false" show_read_more="false" show_content="false"]
“Posts” and “category” parameters do not work the same shortcode.
Please do not copy and paste the shortcode parameter because if cause the quote(“) issue writes manually.
Please let me know if you have any other queries.
I have the same problem: slider become blank whenever i set limit for more than 1
my theme is imprezza – my page builder is wpbakery – my shortcode is
[recent_post_slider design=”design-1″]
and i put it in this page for sample:
Hello @emad2015,
Please use this shortcode parameter as well:
Thanks a lot for your help and speed it worked.
Hello @emad2015
Please share your rating and review if you like our support and plugin 🙂