• Bit Assist – The Ultimate Solution

    With Bit Assist it has been a breeze to 1. Install plugin 2. configure plugin 3. Save and use.

    Customers can see the “chat icon” with a simple icon that you can add your logo to, CTA message popup, change colors, set Chat icon location and even add a small animation and more!

    Customers can easily be directed to things like your social channels, phone, email and FAQ’s at a quick click (Bit Assist should really save your easy and common customer support burdens.) For advanced uses you can setup an IFRAME embed (by adding the URL only), display Bit Assist on certain URL pages and even including an embed code to easily embed Bit Assist on external websites too!

    If you haven’t tried Bit Assist you simply need to – it should only take around 15 minutes to get working, try it right now!

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