I generally avoid the wizard because it’s very slow for me. I think when it’s communicating with zenfolio it takes a long time, and if I want to search for a specific gallery or photo the search results returned, and thumbnail size, are often not useful.
The speed of the wizard is getting remedied in the next release – it is going to get a considerable boost. Obviously, the screen that fetches content from Zenfolio will still be a bit slow, but everything else has been streamlined.
For the results, are you not able to filter the search results by typing into the search field? That is often pretty quick if you have to find a specific photoset.
I’ve found that if I don’t copy the supplied shortcode when it’s presented though, I can’t retrieve it later. I’ve tried switching between classic/Gutenberg and using the code editor, but the shortcode is gone forever, it’s more something like:
The “code editor” is a useless abomination that shouldn’t have ever been included with Gutenberg. I would have dearly liked the old-style “Text Editor” that shows up when you disable Gutenberg, and I had even raised it as a question during the early days of Gutenberg, and several people were unhappy with the toolbar being gone for the “Code Editor”.
The thing is, once you have made a block from something, you are pretty much stuck editing the block in Gutenberg itself, so you cannot manipulate it as you would a shortcode from the Classic Editor. Basically, a block is not a shortcode when it comes to editing, though in Photonic’s case they display the same content.
So, unless you really like some feature of Gutenberg, a much smarter approach to construct a page with a Photonic gallery would be to use the Classic Editor and launch the wizard. In the “Text” mode of the Classic Editor, you can select the shortcode and open it for editing using the wizard.