• Christian Saborio


    We intend to use this plugin with a site that receives 2000 form submissions (petitions) that are sent to Australian politicians. The idea was is that we do not send this 2,000 emails in a day, but rather that we throttle 10 every hour or so to avoid flooding the recipients inbox.

    So far with our tests, this plugin helps us to do that. There are a lot of options so try different things until you get it working the way you intend to. The developer is very responsive and a really nice guy based on how nice he is to respond to anyone who has issues.

    Thank you for your efforts creating this plugin!

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  • Plugin Author Birmania


    Hi @christian-saborio,

    Thanks for this grateful review !
    I hope that you will have great success in your project with petitions.

    Yours faithfully,

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