I’m sorry to hear that. It doesn’t seem like the problem is with Elementor. Can you try clicking directly on the transparent checker box (as shown in the image you shared)? Does this open the color dialog?
Thank you for the reply. Yes, after clicking, it opens the dialogue but choosing any color doesn’t anyhow change the color of the button.
I just found out a thing that may help how to figure out the problem. The button background color is not changing at all, but if click on any color, the “file icon” background applies that color. But that is only if “Show File Icon” or “Show File Size” is selected.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I apologize for any confusion caused by the current limitations of the button style.
To clarify, the background color feature for the large button style currently only applies when using a file icon or file size. However, I will make sure to include an update in the future to allow for the direct application of background color to the button itself.
In the meantime, you can try using the mid or small button styles, which do allow for the direct application of background color while still hiding the file size and file extension. You can find these options under the “Button Style” section.
Additionally, if you would like to apply background color to the large button now, you can use the following CSS code to manually add it to your WordPress site by going to the “Customize” (under your current theme) section in the backend and selecting “Add additional CSS“. Then paste the below code. Change ‘blue’ to your preferred color.
.qdbn-download-button-inner button { background-color: blue!important; }
I hope this helps.
It worked! Surprisingly, I failed to try other button styles. The “basic” style seems to be working but there seems another problem – while I choose it to be centered, it seems to go more right. But I will fix this I guess.
Seems there is a set of actions I will need to do each time when I use this button – I have another question. Is there any way to save one button set as default provided I have multiple publications a day and that drives me crazy to do the same set of actions to make the button work the right way for each page? I am using my specific button background color, text color, icon light color..
Thank you a lot for helping me as well as for making this plugin. It’s one of the best that I can find and it really helps a lot. That’s great job!
Hello I’m glad it works.
You can save a button as a default preset in Gutenberg by creating a reusable block. I have detailed how to do this on a scribe.com page.
Another option is to use a shortcode block, which allows you to easily change the URL value whenever you want to use the block again. For example, to create a similar button you mentioned in the previous message I will use shortcode like the one below;
[quick_download_button button_type=”basic” title=”Download” color_bg=”#ffc107″ color_font=”black” color_icon_dark=”false” align=”center” open_new_window=”false” extension=”0″ wait=5 msg=”Please wait 5 seconds” url=”file_on_your_site”]
You can find more about using the shortcode on the main plugin page under the FAQ section – What are the shortcode attributes?
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