PS your plugin does successfully take over their sidebar, just that the empty sidebar doesn’t get hidden.
Thank you for your kind words, and for your review, it is much appreciated!
It looks like Avada has a few options for sidebars and widget areas, I am not sure if any of them can be used to hide an empty sidebar:
Most modern themes have support for automatic full-width layouts when sidebars are empty, but some don’t, which Content Aware Sidebars currently has no built-in workaround for. With that said, sometimes this can be fixed by using either custom CSS (like you mention), or if the theme provides an API/a way to override its settings programatically.
I will have to see if Avada provides such API and get back to you. And please let me know if you come across such solution yourself.
Thanks. I experimented with every option in that documentation. Avada, in particular, is able to force sidebars into the various sections of the site. So your URL override in the Pro version would work anywhere. However, there would still be the case of an empty sidebar not hiding due to the theme’s deficiencies in that regard.
What occurred to me (and believe me my skills in this area are rudimentary so this is just an idea) is that you could possibly implement something like:
“if Content Aware takes over a sidebar to make it ’empty’, include css in that page to hide the class of the original sidebar”
In the case of Avada, the css also has to increase the width of the main part of the page.
Maybe it is a potential workaround, for you to ‘inject’ css. Forgive my ignorance of the correct terminology.
I was able to make it work because Buddypress targets most areas of most pages with css.
I would certainly buy your pro version if I needed it, I don’t have a need at present. It works like magic.