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  • Moderator bcworkz


    Here’s my half baked ideas on this, I don’t know how doable these are, such as causing an unforeseen errors, etc.

    In order to get a user ID, you must first insert a user, which means you must provide a login name. But it could always be “TBD” or something since it will be soon changed anyway. It would only be an issue if two processes try to add a user at the same time. Maybe you could pre-populate the field somehow with javascript, and possibly even hide it with CSS. But there must be a field, and it must have a value that is not in the DB.

    Then perhaps hook the action ‘user_register’, get the just inserted user data. Unset the user_pass field to indicate no password change. Place the user ID in the user login, nicename, display_name fields and call wp_update_user() to change the names in the DB.

    Completely untested, but I think worth a try, good luck.

    Thread Starter Guillaume


    Actually, I would like the user login name to be the number. So the user connect with is ‘id’ ( which is for WordPress is regular Login ) .

    The only difference is than the user didn’t chose it himself…

    Thanks for sharing your ideas

    Moderator bcworkz


    Actually, my suggestion will do exactly that 🙂

    “Place the user ID in the user login (field)” User ID is the one assigned by mySQL during initial user insertion.

    I think you had in mind a different approach entirely. If it involves checking the login form field directly against the DB user_ID field, it would be difficult to implement cleanly.

    Thread Starter Guillaume


    Plugin Name: Auto Generated numbered Username
    Version: 1.0
    Plugin URI:
    Description: Simple WordPress plugin to automatically generate numbered username, hook in to wordpress user registration page and automaitcally add			 			 numbered Username in "Username" Field.
    	// global variable next username
    	// @var $next_username
    	global $next_username;	
    	// global default variable starting username number
    	// @var $starting_username
    	global $starting_username;
    	// Start from numbered username from 1001 if previous numbered username is not found in users table,
    	// you can set this value to any number before adding any numbered username in database;
    	$starting_username = 1001;
    	// current page
    	global $pagenow;
    	// add jquery in head section of registration page
    	if( $pagenow == 'wp-login.php' && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'register')
    		add_action('init', 'add_scripts_method' );
    	// hook in to user registration form
    	add_action('register_form', 'add_default_username');
    	// add in theme header
    	add_action('wp_head', 'add_scripts_method' );
    	add_action('wp_head', 'add_default_username');
    	// add action hook to redirect new user add to edit profile page
    	add_action("admin_init", "redirect_user_add");
    	// check if which page we currently are in
    	if( $pagenow == 'user-new.php')
    		// add action to admin footer
    		add_action('admin_footer',  'show_next_available_username' );	
    	// Function to add numbered username in user registration page
    	function add_default_username()
    			// get next username
    			$next_username = get_next_available_username();
    			 // add $next_username to user login field value in user registration form
    			 // and this field to redonly so that user cannot changed using jQuery
                 <script type="text/javascript">
    						var username = '<?php echo $next_username; ?>';
    						var message = '<p class="message register" style="padding:5px; margin:0 0 10px 0">Username is auto-generated and can not be changed.</p>'; // message
    						jQuery('input[name="user_login"]').val( username );
    						jQuery('input[name="user_login"]').attr('readonly', 'readonly');
    						jQuery('label[for="user_login"]').after( message );
    						/*** to work with wp profile builder plugin **/
    						var message1 = '<label class="note" style="padding: 5px; margin: 0px 0px 10px; float: right; width: 65%; color: red;">Username is auto-generated and can not be changed.</label>'; // message
    							jQuery('#wppb_register input[name="user_name"]').val( username );
    							jQuery('#wppb_register input[name="user_name"]').attr('readonly', 'readonly');
    							jQuery('#wppb_register input[name="user_name"]').after( message1 ); 
    	// Display next available username in add new user page
    	function show_next_available_username()
    		// add jquery
    		add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_scripts_method');
    		// get next username
    		$next_username = get_next_available_username();
    		// display next available username using jqeury
                 <script type="text/javascript">
    						var username = '<?php echo $next_username; ?>';
    						var message = '<p class="update-nag" style="width:24em; padding:5px; margin:5px 0">Next available Username #<strong>'+username+'</strong></p>'; // message
    						jQuery('input[name="user_login"]').after( message );
    						// add onsubmit attribute to form
    						jQuery('form#createuser').attr('onsubmit', 'return checkUsername()');
    				// auto add username if username field is blank
    					function checkUsername()
    						var username = jQuery('input[name="user_login"]').val();
    						if( username == '')
    							var username = '<?php echo $next_username; ?>';
    						return true;
    	// function to get next available username
    	function get_next_available_username()
    		// global DB variable/object
    		global $wpdb;
    		global $starting_username;
    		// get all username/number from database
    		$query = 'SELECT user_login FROM '.$wpdb->users;
    		$usernames = $wpdb->get_col( $query );
    		if( $usernames )
    			$i = 0; // starting array index
    			$numeric_usernames = array();
    			foreach( $usernames as $username )
    				if( is_numeric( $username ) )
    					$numeric_usernames[ $i ] = $username;
    			 // check if numeric usernames are empty
    			 if( !empty( $numeric_usernames ) )
    				 // get the latest/maximum value of usernames
    				 $last_username = max( $numeric_usernames );
    				 $next_username = $last_username + 1;
    				 return $next_username;
    				return $starting_username;
    			return $starting_username;
    	// redirect new user add to edit profile page
    	function redirect_user_add() {
    		if(!empty($_GET['update']) && $_GET['update'] == 'add' && !empty($_GET['id']) ) {
    			$id = $_GET['id'];
    			//$user = get_userdatabylogin($username);
    			wp_redirect( admin_url("/user-edit.php?user_id=".$id ) );
    	// enqueue jquery library
    	function add_scripts_method() {
    	    wp_deregister_script( 'jquery' );
    		wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery', plugins_url('/jquery-1.7.1.min.js', __FILE__), array(), '1.7.1');
    		wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );
    Thread Starter Guillaume


    Do not forget jquery-1.7.1.min.js and it is working like a charm !

    Hi guillaumes!

    Thanks for a brilliant script!
    I am facing a bit of a problem since if a user forgot his/her password, then a generated Number username automatically is added to the form.

    Is there a way to correct this?

    Many thanks!



    Be great to offer this as a plugin in the plugin repository.

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