• Hello

    I’ve set up a WordPress page including shortcode from Contact Form 7. The audio upload is validated and I can see it in my database register (another plugin, Contact Form DB), but the file that I’m testing to upload does not save into /home/fusec327/public_html/wp-content/uploads/wpcf7_uploads like it should.

    I have adjusted the rights of the folder to 777.
    In addition, I altered the functions.php file to accept wma as an audio file type.

    References used
    The Contact Form 7 info page: http://contactform7.com/file-uploading-and-attachment/
    Changing MIME types: http://www.paulund.co.uk/change-wordpress-upload-mime-types

    Summa summarum: How can I get the audio files to save into my server?

    Here’s the code that I’ve used in my WordPress page:

    <p>Etu- ja sukunimesi<br />
        [text* your-name] </p>
    <p>Sähköpostiosoitteesi<br />
        [email* your-email] </p>
    <p>Olen lukenut FUSE:a koskevan ohjeistuksen, tutustunut esimerkkeihin ja varmistanut äänitteella esiintyvien opiskelijoiden antaneen suostumuksensa äänitteen anonyymiin käyttöön FUSE korpuksessa. (HUOM. Alaikäisen opiskelijan täytyy pyytää suostumus äänitteen käyttöön huoltajaltaan.)<br />
        [acceptance accept-this-1] </p>
    Valitse suullisen kielitaidon kokeessa taltioitu äänitiedosto lähetettäväksi. (Mieluiten mp3-tiedosto. Sallitut tiedostotyypit: ogg, m4a, mp3, wav, wma. Jos tiedostosi ei ole näissä muodoissa, voit muuntaa sen oikeaan muotoon esim. osoitteessa <a href="http://audio.online-convert.com/convert-to-mp3">http://audio.online-convert.com/convert-to-mp3</a>)
    [file* file-139 limit:250mb filetypes:ogg|m4a|mp3|wav|wma]
    Kirjoita vielä alla näkyvä merkkisarja kenttään ennen äänitteen lähettämistä. HUOM. Kirjoita kirjaimet isolla.
    [captchac captcha-271] [captchar captcha-271 4/4]
    <p>[submit "Lähetä"]</p>


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  • Per your first reference, the documentation states that “After a user uploads a file through your contact form, Contact Form 7 checks to see if: 1.) Any PHP errors have occurred; 2.) the file type and file size are valid; and then, if the check turns out okay, Contact Form 7 moves the uploaded file to a temporary folder. At this point, Contact Form 7 attaches the file to the mail and sends it. After these procedures, Contact Form 7 then removes the file from the temporary folder.”

    I would like to accomplish the same thing as you are trying to do, only with much smaller audio files. I would have to guess that defining a file ‘storage’ upload path is possible but not quite sure – temp storage file path definition in wp-config is mentioned. One additional aspect that I would like accomplish is scanning the upload for malware/virus, so I would guess that this may be done via a custom function in functions.php? Anyone?

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