Hi @martinja,
Thanks for contacting us. Why are you entering product prices with more than two decimals?
No, at this time the integration populates the checkout fields based on the address chosen in the customer’s Apple Wallet. This is done so customer’s don’t have to fill out the billing fields since that information is already in their wallet.
Kind Regards,
It’s done because otherwise we get rounding errors when users buy more products;
the product is 16 with 20% tax. If i enter the price as 13,33 and user purchase 10pcs, it’s calculated as 13,33 (exvat) * 10 (pcs) * 1,2 (vat rate) = 159,96 incl. vat
if i enter the price as 13,3333 * 10 * 1,2 = 159,9996 rounded up to 160; which is what i need.
Navigate to your WC settings page and scroll down to the option Number of decimals
What value do you have configured there?
We might have a rounding bug when decimals are greater than 2 for the product price. Can you reach out to us via our support email (the big Help icon that appears on all the plugin’s pages)?
We will need your help testing an update.
i just did, thank you for the fast response.
Version 3.1.7 released. Any product price that exceeds 2 decimals is rounded.