• Hello friends,

    I am developing a plugin for wordpress, and I got stucked in one place. Please help me friends.

    I am creating a top level menu with the command:

    add_menu_page( "KHM Forums - Settings", "KHM Forums", 'administrator', 'khm_forum_main_menu', 'khm_forum_settings',
    		plugins_url( KHM_FORUM_BASENAME . DS . 'images' . DS . 'menu.png' ), 61 );

    Menu is created with no problem. Submenus are being created with the following code:

    add_submenu_page( 'khm_forum_main_menu', 'KHM Forums - Forum Manager', 'Forums', 'administrator',
    		'khm_forum_manager', 'khm_forum_manager' );

    Have a look in the menu structure:

    1. KHM Forums
    • KHM Forums <== (I want this title to be changed, how to do that?)

    [No bumping. If it’s that urgent, consider hiring someone.]

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