• Resolved bizchris



    I’ve tried exporting our user base with the help of your Import and Export User plugin. There is however a problem with the Ampersand sign &.

    Example: Somebody works in the department “Marketing & PR”, when I export the user it reads “Marketing & PR”.

    How can I fix that?

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  • Plugin Author Javier Carazo


    This plugin does not modify any of the character set of the exported data. This data will remain as it is in the database.

    Have you checked it directly in SQL? In that case the problem is not in this plugin but in who is in charge of saving that data that is converting the & in the respective HTML entity.

    Thread Starter bizchris


    When accessing the database with an editor the “&” is fine. When I dump the database the & is fine. There is no encoding as HTML entity in the database. After exporting it is however encoded as &. Other special characters, like ö und ü are also fine, just the & is not.

    I have tried the free dummy site you are offering and set the user name to “Test & Co”. After exporting it reads “Test & Co”. So there is the same problem.
    If it is not the plugin and not the database, where and is the conversion made and by which process?

    Plugin Author Javier Carazo


    How are you opening the CSV file?

    Thread Starter bizchris


    On Windows 10:
    Microsoft Excel
    Windows notepad
    Windows wordpad

    On Debian 12:
    standard Editor

    all show the same

    Plugin Author Javier Carazo


    OK I will check and let you know.

    How can I made the test? Should I save in a meta field & or &

    Thread Starter bizchris


    Thank you for your assistance!
    The most basic test I did in your dummy system. I just changed the user’s name to “Test & Co”. Then I did an export (with standard options) and in the csv it reads “Test & Co”.
    You can probably change any field in the user profile you like to “&” and it should generate the encoded HTML entity.

    Plugin Author Javier Carazo


    I have just tested it and it works flawlessly. The data in the profile: https://snipboard.io/f8hLRy.jpg

    The CSV: https://snipboard.io/8moZQT.jpg

    WordPress does not allow to change the username, how are you doing this?

    I just changed the user’s name to “Test & Co”.

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