• Lazylonewolf


    I’d say this offers the most for a free image optimization plugin in WordPress, so far. Call it the best even. A rare five-stars!

    • Lazyloading. Can exclude classes and ids. Can’t customize effects like Smush though.
      WebP conversion. Can set image quality too.
    • Automatic WebP Delivery/insertion/replacement. Replaces my pngs and jpg no problem, even through Cloudflare. Currently using JS WebP Rewriting only.
    • Unlimited bulk optimize and webP conversion. Great cause you can just leave it alone if you have tons of images, unlike Smush which has a 50-image limit per batch, or Imageify which has a 20MB limit per month. I think EWWW uses your own server/webhost to convert them so that’s why it’s unlimited, but that’s perfect for most people. I had no problems converting them even with my cheap shared webhosting.

    My only complaints:

    • WebP default quality is 75%, so you have to switch from Easy Mode to Ludicrous Mode (full options mode) to change that to 100%. I just consider it weird since the default optimization (and only, for free version) for jpegs and pngs is lossless.
    • PNG images over 300kb will be automatically converted to jpg, and there’s NO option at all to disable it in admin. You’ll have to add define( 'EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_DISABLE_AUTOCONVERT', true ); to your wp-config.php file if you don’t want EWWW to do this. Leave it to us users to decide if we want to use png instead of jpg, please!
    • WebP delivery doesn’t seem to work at all for the photo gallery plugin I’m using (Photo Gallery by 10Web).
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