• THANKYOU!!!! I’m actually finding blogging enjoyable! This a wonderful addition to WordPress! It simplifies everything and cleans things up wonderfully. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!

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  • Thank you so much for trying it out and taking the time to share your love of it. If you have any additional feedback you’d like to share I know it would be appreciated.

    I’m genuinely curious why would find this good. Compared to the Classic Editor it has removed massive amounts of functionality.

    The blocks idea is better but it has been done better by any number of other Page Editors.

    Thread Starter ixixy


    because I don’t need all that ‘functionality’….I just need to write. All the ‘functionality’ is a distraction that gets in the way of my writing. This simplifies everything and lets me get my writing done faster. Writing with Gutenberg felt more like a word processor and I can get my article typed and published faster.

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