• Resolved sheepishsmile


    Hello there,

    First of all I’d like to thank you and congratulate you for very wonderful plugin.

    What I wanted to ask was if there is a way to show images too if the answer was incorrect?

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  • Plugin Author Harmonic Design


    Hello sheepishsmile,
    this is not something I intended to add directly into HD Quiz, but it IS currently possible!

    Although the media upload has been disabled for that area, it does use the WordPress visual editor – meaning you can copy/paste images into that section! So although unintuitive, it is possible 🙂

    Hi HarmonicDesign,

    Thank you as well for a great plugin!

    I attempted to copy/paste an image into the “correct” answer area and it does show up in the editor, but the image gets stripped from the HTML on the frontend. I also have a bulleted list, where the UL/LI tags get stripped as well.

    Thank you,

    Plugin Author Harmonic Design


    Hi ejb,
    I’m a little confused at what it is that you’re trying to do?

    This original thread was about using an image in the “text that appears if the user gets the question wrong” section.

    Here is what a question looks like right after I’ve pasted an image in: http://imgur.com/8teCNMN. The image stays even after updated the post/question.

    Here is what the live quiz looks like once that question has been completed and submitted: http://imgur.com/2nDCyRi. As you can see, the image shows in the front end as well.

    I think, you’re trying to paste an image into the actual answers area? If that’s the case, then I have some good news for you – it’s much easier than you think!

    When editing/adding a new question, make sure that you have the Image Answers options toggled. This will enable featured images for answers! You can select the featured image (defaults to the black box) to open up the WordPress upload box. See here: http://imgur.com/ge6vKbp

    I hope this points you in the right direction, please let me know if you need any further help.

    I apologize, I should have started my own thread. Perhaps I am trying to do something different.

    I am attempting to paste an image into the “Quiz pass text” and “Quiz fail text” fields. I am also trying to add bulleted lists to these areas. But the HTML gets stripped on the frontend.

    Plugin Author Harmonic Design


    Thanks for the clarification ejb.

    I, unfortunately, have some bad news for you. Custom featured images for the ‘quiz pass/quiz fail’ text is not currently possible, although it is slated as a new feature for the next version of HD Quiz.

    IF you are comfortable editing code, there is a workaround where you can remove the field sanitation which will allow you to do the copy/paste method. Please let me know if you are willing to try and I’ll send instructions.

    Thank you so much, I appreciate your help!

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