•     /**
         * Find strings in themes.
         * @return array
        public function run_theme_scanner() {
            $data = [];
            $themes = wp_get_themes();
            $settings = Polylang_Theme_Translation_Settings::getInstance();
            foreach ($themes as $name => $theme) {
                if (in_array($name, $settings['themes'])) {
                    $data[$name] = $this->register_stings_from_dir($theme->theme_root . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name . '/templates', $name); // add filter here
            return $data;

    All my views are in templates directory. If I scan theme I have a lot of differences string not from my domain.

    Or you can add input before settings to include or exclude director from root theme. Example (with common separations):

    Include: templates, src

    Thanks for develop your plugin.

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  • Plugin Author Marcin Kazmierski


    hello @bartbury,

    curentlly function “get_files_from_dir($dir_name)” works recursively.

    So files from the src and template directories should also be included.

    If your theme has irregular domian, you can use filter: “ttfp_domains” to modify list of text domains and add your custom domian like:

    add_filter('ttfp_domains', 'custom_ttfp_domains', 10, 1);
    function custom_ttfp_domains(array $domains)
    $domains[] = "my-custom-domain";
    return $domains;

    List of text domains is displayed on “TTfP Settings” page to select them for translation by polylang engine.

    Thread Starter bartbury


    The problem is not with domain but with recursively directories.

    For example I have this string to translate:

    File is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could also be caused by uploads being disabled in your php.ini or by post_max_size being defined as smaller than upload_max_filesize in php.ini.

    What is this 🙂 from vendor o node_modules.

    If I change this line work very nice.

    $data[$name] = $this->register_stings_from_dir($theme->theme_root . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name . '/templates', $name);
    // add teampltes
    Plugin Author Marcin Kazmierski


    @bartbury I have checked it, I think everything works fine.

    Maybe you didn’t notice the changes because I added simple cache for 1 minute?

    $cacheKey = sprintf("ttfp_cache_strings_from:%s:%s", $name, md5($path));
    $cacheVal = get_transient($cacheKey);
    if (is_array($cacheVal)) {
    $strings = $cacheVal;

    Do you have still the same problem after 60sec? Can you show more details or screenshots? 🙂

    Thread Starter bartbury


    Plugin Author Marcin Kazmierski


    @bartbury ok, now I understand you 🙂
    I will add a filter (apply_filters) to exclude specific folders from scanner.
    I’ll let you know when it’s ready.

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