• Resolved Exavior


    I just paid $60 for the “pro” version of this, and to be honest, I’m WAY past angry with you. First of all, I have to manually download and update the pro version rather than just install through WordPress directly, like all other “pro” plugins, what’s up with that? This is horrible, hacky, and NOT professional.

    Right now I have the plugin settings for “implementation” set to “Ajax” and the post has the settings set to “Ajax” and yet I frequently see the next button for page 2 (when on the first page) listed as http://www.mysite.com/mypost/2/ which is NOT the AJAX implementation… so the whole page reloads. Then it tries to use AJAX after that point to go to http://www.mysite.com/mypost/2/#3 which is not a valid option… basically page 1 almost never behaves as AJAX, but after that the pages behave as AJAX but are broken due to page 1 improperly linking to page 2.

    Sometimes it the next button works as http://www.mysite.com/mypost/#2 which IS the AJAX implementation, but only some of the time, and it seems random when it does and does not work.

    And if you are on page 2 and try to navigate back to page 1 I get a 404 error and see it tried to load http://www.mysite.com/mypost/#mypost which does not work…

    I’m testing all of this in incognito tabs, so caching and cookies is not an issue, just your code.

    This plugin is a mess. It is not reliable to use in larger professional applications, so I’ve just wasted several days on a BIG project dealing with this. I’m in a bad position now because I chose to go with your plugin.

    I also noticed that the CSS settings don’t work properly… even if I leave the “If unchecked, no styles will be added.” box unchecked the CSS files for your plugin still load… so no matter what if I have the “pro” version and use 1 of your navigation styles, all styles load.

    How can you justify charging $60 for something that is so broken and can not be managed as a proper WordPress plugin for updating?

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  • Thread Starter Exavior


    I was able to get the navigation working with AJAX to address part of the issue. Looks like any kind of 3rd party JS errors will stop this thing in its tracks and prevent proper navigation. By eliminating a 3rd part JS issue it now consistently goes from page 1 to page 2, 3, 4, etc using AJAX.

    However, you still can not go from page 2 to page 1. a 404 is thrown for http://www.mysite.com/mypost/mypost (no hash) and the location changes to http://www.mysite.com/mypost/#mypost which is not a valid option.

    You really need to add a field in the settings for JavaScript events that fire once the AJAX content has loaded, as many people will need to load or refresh ADs when this happens. (not just when nav is clicked, but when content has loaded)

    And the CSS issues are still a headache. I’m going to have to modify your plugin to not load any of the CSS files and redo everything by hand.

    Plugin Author Fahad Mahmood


    I would request you to test it once again with the latest version.

    Demo Link: http://demo.androidbubble.com/jquery-post-splitter-pro

    Plugin Author Fahad Mahmood


    And about going from page 2 to page 1, i will work on that too. Don’t worry.

    Thread Starter Exavior


    I just got it yesterday, how would that not be the latest version?

    When you say you will work on navigating from page 2 to 1 (something that astounds me that was broken) can you just share the code you changed so I can manually update? I’ve had to edit your code to make somethings work, so sadly I can’t just update. I needed to fire a function when the AJAX has loaded so ads can update, so I had to modify the code to support that. Still trying to find a way to not have it request CSS files as we are trying to keep HTTP requests down.

    Thread Starter Exavior


    And hopefully the fix for page 2 to 1 is done soon, as this is holding up one of our projects. We can’t launch until it’s fixed. So the $60 spent on your “pro” plugin may quickly become a $60,000 loss…

    Plugin Author Fahad Mahmood


    @exavior please check the version you are using. Recent version is 2.6.2.

    Updates are, pagination issue resolved regarding back to page 1 on Ajax.

    Query: Can you just share the code you changed so I can manually update?
    Response: Kindly compare the files with code comparison tool if you use any, it there are multiple updates which are difficult to mention line by line. I would appreciate if you can get the fresh copy and then inject your code.

    Suggestion, instead of modifying my plugin, try to use .bind() for JavaScript and add_filter() for WordPress.

    Thread Starter Exavior


    The code I had to change is inside $(window).hashchange() and specifically inside of “success” and it needs to pass a variable (for now). That is not something I can setup using bind.

    Inside that function I am calling my own custom “reloadAds” function. I also need to pass your value for “hash” to my function so I can determine which page is being loaded, as the ads don’t need to reload for the first time Page 1 loads, only every time a new page is loaded or the user goes back to Page 1 (which may be an issue now that it’s possible to navigate back to page 1)

    It’s possible there is some other event I can tie into, but it’s vital that thigns fire after the new page content has been injected into the DOM.

    Here is a code sample.

    	// Bind the event.
    	$(window).hashchange( function(){
    	//set the value as a variable, and remove the #
    		var hash_value = window.location.hash.replace('#', '');
    			url:window.location.pathname + window.location.search + hash_value,
    			type: 'post',
    				// My function below
    				$('.jps-slider-nav a').bind('click',ajaxNav);
    				if (jpps_options_object.scroll_up) {
    					$('html, body').animate({
    						scrollTop: 0
    					}, jpps_options_object.scroll_number*1000 );

    Really all that is needed is for the plugin to allow users to define an event that fires when pages reload, ideally only when new pages load, not the first load. But it needs to fire after the new content has loaded, so it can’t just fire when Next or Previous is clicked.

    Plugin Author Fahad Mahmood


    Please try the version 2.6.3 with this feature.


    Thread Starter Exavior


    I can confirm that the AJAX link back to page 1 from page 2 is now working after updating to the latest version.

    Thanks for adding the ability to have a function callback for AJAX page switching. That is working well for me as well.

    Plugin Author Fahad Mahmood


    Kindly update your thread here as well if you are happy.

    Thread Starter Exavior


    Is there a way to expose the page number so the new function can have context? For example, being able to fire a tracking code on page 3.

    Plugin Author Fahad Mahmood


    There is a filter “wp_link_pages_args” which is hiding the page numbers, you may try commenting that. Manage CSS accordingly and check if it works for you? On your feedback, i will make that toggle based in upcoming versions.

    Plugin Author Fahad Mahmood


    @exavior please try the latest version 2.6.4 regarding numeric pagination (optional) and also ajax option will load only the post part instead of the complete page.

    Thread Starter Exavior


    Just to clarify, I need the page number for use in JavaScript, not as a display element on the page.

    We just need to know what page of content was loaded so we can track a viewer’s progress.

    Plugin Author Fahad Mahmood


    So you need some kind of number behind the button element like data-attribute? Or maybe something in javascript object in console?

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