• smush broke a simple ajax routine to display an inline form (formidable pro). My workin indicator just keeps spinning but no in linle form appears. Sorry i did not capture error log to send back, as i would love for you to trouble shoot and fix for future release and all formidable pro users. But for now i have to delete.

    But here are my site health deets:
    Version 5.2.3
    Site Language en_US
    User Language en_US
    Home URL https://.com
    Site URL https://.com
    Permalink structure /%postname%/
    Is this site using HTTPS? Yes
    Can anyone register on this site? Yes
    Default comment status Open
    Is this a multisite? No
    User count 55
    Communication with WordPress.org WordPress.org is reachable
    Server architecture Linux 2.6.32-954.3.5.lve1.4.66.el6.x86_64 x86_64
    Web server Apache
    PHP version 7.3.7 (Supports 64bit values)
    PHP SAPI litespeed
    PHP max input variables 1000
    PHP time limit 30
    PHP memory limit 256M
    Max input time -1
    Upload max filesize 32M
    PHP post max size 32M
    cURL version 7.62.0 OpenSSL/1.0.2k
    Is SUHOSIN installed? No
    Is the Imagick library available? Yes
    .htaccess rules Custom rules have been added to your .htaccess file.
    Extension mysqli
    Server version 5.6.44-cll-lve
    Client version 5.6.44

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  • Hi @paranoidandroid88,

    I’ve tried adding some forms with Formidable and Smush, I’ve had no issues with both loading and submitting, Ajax/regular forms. Could you please add some steps so I can replicate on a test install?

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter paranoidandroid88


    This is the entire ‘view’ and in bold is the piece that malfunctioned

    <strong>School:</strong> [300]
    <strong>School Owner ID:</strong> [300 show=341]
    <strong>Student ID:</strong> [279]
    <strong>Current verification status:</strong><em> [349  show=value]</em>
    <strong><div id="frm_container_[id]"><strong>** Assign an Instructor FIRST **
    [editlink label="Assign Instructor Edit record" prefix="frm_container_"]</div>
    [if 349 equals="Not Verified"]Click to Verify this student: [frm-entry-update-field id=[id] field_id=349 value="Verified" label="Verify" message="Field updated"][/if 349]
    [if 349 equals="Verified"]Click to Un-Verify this student: [frm-entry-update-field id=[id] field_id=349 value="Not Verified" label="Un-Verify" message="Field updated"][/if 349]
    Click Delete, to remove this student (Careful! no undo): [deletelink label="Delete" prefix="frm_del_container_"]

    The following is what broke.. just kept spinning, not returning my inline form
    <div id=”frm_container_[id]”>** Assign an Instructor FIRST **
    [editlink label=”Assign Instructor Edit record” prefix=”frm_container_”]</div>


    Unfortunately, I am unable to replicate. Do you have any security plugins installed?

    Best regards,

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