Probably a bug. 🙁
Could you share your CAOS settings with me?
@daanvandenbergh wait for a Moment I will share
If we clear the Caches in our site again I see that console error
Now I Click Save changes to Generate the Script again
Update analytics.js seems not to trigger the script file Redownload and Update
Thanks for the screens. I’ve tried to generate to generate analytics.js using your settings, but I can’t reproduce the error you’re getting. Everything works fine. Where are you getting this error?
Ok, so it’s a console-error. I’ll have to look into this. Very strange. I’ll get back to you!
Thanks for the screens. I’ve tried to generate to generate analytics.js using your settings, but I can’t reproduce the error you’re getting. Everything works fine. Where are you getting this error?
Previously I am not facing this Kind of an issue
after this Update, It’s not downloading the JS File
Have you tried cleaning your browser cache on that page (CTRL/CMD + SHIFT + R)? Perhaps the triggered Javascript got messed up in your cache…
From which version did you update?
@daanvandenbergh From which version did you update? – 2.4.3/2.4.4
Ok, there was one major change in the update script since then. Could you try saving the settings again (perhaps some default values are missing in your database) and running the update script again?
Ok, there was one major change in the update script since then. Could you try saving the settings again (perhaps some default values are missing in your database) and running the update script again?
After Clicking the Save Settings it downloads the JS File
but I have doubted Will Cron Job Auto script Update will work Perfect like Previous Versions?
Ok, then I have an idea where this error might occur. Thanks for working with me @worldfacts.
I’ll release an update shortly, in which these default versions are handled correctly.
No worries, if the update analytics.js-button functions like it should, the cronjob will function as well. It’s the same script, using the same resources 🙂
@daanvandenbergh Thanks for your Quick Support 🙂
This recent update did break the analytics.js coz no stats were logged today. Clicking save changes and updating analytics resolved it. Perhaps look into that too.