• Resolved upgfermi


    Hi i use WordPress 5.8.2.
    After the update of the plugin Simple User Avatar from version 3.2 to 3.5 or 3.6
    the image (avatar) of some users is broken in beckend and not visible in frontend.

    with version 3.2 no any problem
    worpress is installed on centos 7 server
    Php 8.0.12

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  • Plugin Author Matteo Manna


    Hi @upgfermi,
    Thank you for your message.

    I don’t know why, I will check.
    But if you upload a new avatar does work?

    It’s only a problem of the oldest avatars?


    Thread Starter upgfermi


    i try to re-select the image from media library but the image not work

    Tomorrow i can try to upload a new image in media library and check if the problem remain

    Plugin Author Matteo Manna


    Hi @upgfermi,
    I released 3.7, I hope I fixed.

    I’m waiting your feedback.

    Thank you,

    Thread Starter upgfermi


    version 3.7 all ok


    Plugin Author Matteo Manna


    Goooood @upgfermi !!

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