• Hello all,

    When I enable my Adsense plugin it results in an error on my RSS feed on by website. It gives the following error:

    RSS Error: This XML document is invalid, likely due to invalid characters. XML error: > required at line 190, column 30

    When I do disable and re-enable the plugin it works temporarily.
    I tried running the feed validator and i get the following results:
    This feed does not validate.
    line 190, column 0: Undefined channel element: div [help]

    <div class=”ezAdsense adsense adsense-leadout” style=”float:left;margin:12px …

    line 190, column 93: XML parsing error: <unknown>:190:93: not well-formed (invalid token) [help]

    … “float:left;margin:12px;”><script async src=”//pagead2.googlesyndication …

    line 1, column 38: Use of unknown namespace: http://www.rawvoice.com/rawvoiceRssModule/ [help]

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?><rss version=”2.0″

    My question is what do I need to make changes in line 1 and 190 to get past this error.

    Thanks in advance


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