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  • Plugin Author arickards


    Hi Matt,

    I’m sorry you’re having trouble with my plugin. This was actually deliberate. Since tinyWYM uses extensive editor styling I didn’t want other editor styles to conflict with my plugin. The whole point behind tinyWYM is that it is NOT a visual editor but rather a markup highlighter.

    Also, unfortunately I haven’t been actively developing tinyWYM since WordPress introduced the new Gutenberg editor which I felt made my plugin somewhat redundant.

    Sorry I can’t be more help.

    All the best,

    Thread Starter Matt


    Hi Andrew, Thanks for the quick reply! I didn’t look into the plugin code yet, but you provided me with a clue to resolving this we we can still use the plugin. There’s an add_action() function that runs to remove the styles. In our custom theme, we just added a remove_action(). I figured I would reply back and post this for anyone looking for the same issue.

    Thanks again!

        if ( is_plugin_active('tinywym-editor/tinywym-editor.php') ) {
            remove_action( 'admin_init', 'twym_remove_editor_styles', 999 );
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