Hi @ycrdist
Since version 11.3 iOS supports parts of the progressive web app technology. That means you can install it, but iOS does not have a built in install banner.
You need to go to the page settings (the little box-with-arrow-up button) and then “Add to homescreen”.
This is not a limitation coming from the plugin. It is an ongoing discussion between the Web-Community an Apple who refuses to fully support PWAs.
Kind regards,
Many thanks for your very quick response. Yes I’ve tried that and thats worked, however I was probably expecting something a little different.
One other plugin actually pops up with a banner message to add to your home page with instructions to press the (little box with arrow) etc. Although its not a perfect solution its very easy follow. Have you done any development of this type?
Thank you once again
Kindest regards
Sorry forgot to mention, will notifications go to Apple iphone? or this a no no..
Yes, a custom instruction-banner would be a possibility.
I’ve opened an issue on github some while ago but did not implement it yet.
No, there is no way to send push notification from the web on iOS yet. It’s not supported by the OS and therefore there is no workaround.
Thanks Nico
Its a real shame that the Home Page Add button has not been implemented on IOS because you have a great product otherwise. The UI in the admin section is really well laid out.
Thanks for your quick response.