• I would like to redirect one or more posts that is featured on homepage to link (html file) but with rel=”shadowbox” so html opens via shadowbox. for redirection i’ve tried using plugins, page links to and Quick Page/Post Redirect but none of them has option that i can enter rel=”shadowbox”. is there some plugin or way to redirect post or page wir rel tag that i can specify like rel=”shadowbox;height=550;width=960″. in other words i need rewrite redirected link from e.g.



    <a href="http://localhost/3dpanorame/3dpanorame/pinokio/pinokio.html">

    but with or to looks like

    <a rel="shadowbox;height=550;width=960" href="http://localhost/3dpanorame/3dpanorame/pinokio/pinokio.html">

    and i need to enable or disable it on adding post/page.

    tnx for response.

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