• Mike


    Hi there,

    I am trying to implement this live search script in a WordPress project. It is working fine but I would like to add the ability to search a posts category as well. This requires me to reference the wp_terms (name and slug fields) as well as wp_posts. I am pretty green when it comes to this stuff – anyone able to shed some light?

    Full Code as follows:

    	$config['maxresult'] = 10;				// Number of results to return
    	$config['maxbodylength'] = 210;			// Trimming body length to x number of characters
    	if (isset($_REQUEST['s']) && trim($_REQUEST['s'] != ""))
    		$searchstring = addslashes($_REQUEST['s']);
    		if ($link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD))
    			if (mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $link))
    					$storytable = $table_prefix . "posts";
    					$titlefield = "post_title";
    					$bodyfield = "post_content";
    					$status = "post_status";
    					$storyid = "guid";
    				$stmt = "SELECT $bodyfield, $titlefield, $storyid, MATCH($bodyfield, $titlefield) AGAINST ('$searchstring*' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS score FROM $storytable WHERE ($status = 'publish' OR $status = 'static') AND MATCH($bodyfield, $titlefield) AGAINST ('$searchstring*' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT " . $config['maxresult'];
    				$searchstring = str_replace(" ", "% %", $searchstring);
    				$stmt2 = "SELECT $bodyfield, $titlefield, $storyid FROM $storytable WHERE ($status = 'publish' OR $status = 'static') AND ($titlefield LIKE '%$searchstring%' OR $bodyfield LIKE '%$searchstring%') LIMIT " . $config['maxresult'];
    				if ($result = mysql_query($stmt, $link))
    					if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0)
    						$result = mysql_query($stmt2, $link);
    					if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
    						echo "<ul>";
    						while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
    							// stripping images and links...
    							$contents = stripslashes(strip_tags($row[$bodyfield]));
    							if (strlen($contents) > $config['maxbodylength'])
    								$contents = substr($contents, 0, $config['maxbodylength']) . "...";
    							echo "<li><a href=\"$row[$storyid]\">" . $row[$titlefield] . "</a><p>$contents</p></li>";
                                                          echo "</ul>";
    						echo "<p class='error'>Sorry, no record matching your search criteria...</p>";
    					echo "<p class='error'>Sorry, search is not available.</p>";
    				echo "<p class='error'>Sorry, search is not available.</p>";
    			echo "<p class='error'>Sorry, search is not available.</p>";

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