• Good morning,

    I have installed your plugin but Accept button does not work. When we click to Accept button it does not appear any Accepted customer in Dashboard Consent Insights. And It does not trigger anything in google tag manager,

    Can you please help?



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  • Hi there,

    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    We want to inform you about our cookie consent and logging procedures to ensure transparency and clarity regarding your data usage on our platform.

    When your user click on the “Accept” button, your user are providing consent for the use of cookies as outlined in our privacy policy. These cookies help enhance your user browsing experience and enable certain functionalities on our website.

    Furthermore, if the consent log settings are enabled, the consent your user provide will be logged and recorded. This means that your consent, along with relevant details such as your IP address, consent status, country, and visited dates, will be stored securely in our system.

    You can access the consent log tab and dashboard to view the details of your consent and other relevant information. The dashboard provides a comprehensive overview, including your IP address, consent status, country of origin, and the dates your user visited on your website.

    For a more detailed understanding of our cookie consent and logging process, we encourage you to refer to the attached screenshots, which illustrate the relevant sections of your platform.


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