• Hello,

    So just as a disclaimer, I didn’t add the requested info to this question because I’m just looking for general support, not reporting a bug or issue. Everything is working as advertised, just need to know if something is possible.

    Ok, so I have a WooCommerce store setup on my website. In addition to having tangible products, I have one product created for donations, using the name your price and subscriptions extensions.

    I don’t want the donation product to show up on the shop page, so I checked the “hidden” option in the catalog visibility section. However, I need to display the donation product in a sidebar on a few pages. I tried using the shortcode [product id="1234"], but obviously not showing up because is set to hidden.

    So does anyone know of an attribute for the shortcode that will display a hidden product? Maybe something like [product id="1234" show_hidden="true"]? I couldn’t find in anything the WooCommerce docs.

    Or better yet, is there a way I can exclude one specific product from the shop page without setting that product to hidden in the catalog visibility section?

    Thanks in advance!

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  • Plugin Support RK a11n


    So does anyone know of an attribute for the shortcode that will display a hidden product?

    Nope; with visibility set to “hidden” it’s either on / off for the site as a whole. Your best bet would be to simply assign a special category for that product and then use the code outlined in the following link to remove products from that category from the SHOP page loop: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/exclude-a-category-from-the-shop-page/

    (Note: You’ll need to change “Knives” in the code above to the category that you use in your shop).

    Thread Starter jryanp


    Thanks Riaan, that worked like a charm! I appreciate the help.

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