A weird glitch using Panda Pods Repeater Field causing all my content lost!
Hey there @codingpanda
I’m just using Panda Pods Repeater Field for a project, but in one of the groups (in which there are so many loops), whenever I add content to my Repeater, then all the content will be lost the next time I see it! For example, in the Section 2 group of this file, you can add your lyrics for one track of your music album (both in Farsi and in English), but the weird thing is that when you submitted everything for track 1, and you’re going to add everything for track 2 for example, you see these two things: the lyrics for track 1 appears in track 2! And also, all the lyrics of track 1 are gone! Just why????????
Please test it @codingpanda! 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- The topic ‘A weird glitch using Panda Pods Repeater Field causing all my content lost!’ is closed to new replies.