• Resolved sinahosseinigst


    Hey there @codingpanda
    I’m just using Panda Pods Repeater Field for a project, but in one of the groups (in which there are so many loops), whenever I add content to my Repeater, then all the content will be lost the next time I see it! For example, in the Section 2 group of this file, you can add your lyrics for one track of your music album (both in Farsi and in English), but the weird thing is that when you submitted everything for track 1, and you’re going to add everything for track 2 for example, you see these two things: the lyrics for track 1 appears in track 2! And also, all the lyrics of track 1 are gone! Just why????????
    Please test it @codingpanda! I’m in need of urgent help!

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Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 39 total)
  • Plugin Author Coding Panda


    Hi @sinahosseinigst

    I am glad to see someone use the plugin with so many layers. That is how I use it. 🙂

    I imported your pods and they worked fine.

    Did you save the parent item before saving the child ones? For example, save a Sub Lyric before saving its Farsi Lyric and English Lyric.

    If you could provide some screenshots or videos, it will help me diagnose the problem.

    Thread Starter sinahosseinigst


    Haha yeah I love these stuff you created 😉
    But please now use these, and now just tell me the results:

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    Thread Starter sinahosseinigst


    See this please ;(

    Thread Starter sinahosseinigst


    Plugin Author Coding Panda



    It still works in my testing: https://gofile.io/d/UHLGY8

    Can you try to add a new Padra content, make sure you save the parent item first at each step as it needs the ID to link up the parent and the child, so create a Padra content and save, then create an Album in it and save, open the newly added album then add a Lyric and save, open the newly added Lyric … and so on

    Thread Starter sinahosseinigst


    @codingpanda! Hell Yeah! You saved my life, the thing is this:
    first, save Name then save your stuff!

    SOLVED 😉

    Thread Starter sinahosseinigst


    Because I had to save Name first to continue working on my Pods!

    Thread Starter sinahosseinigst


    But just a question, how can I add an embedded link to the project (like on Spotify which gives you an iframe)? By which field using Pods? Which WordPress tag? Sorry, I’m too amateur :)))

    Plugin Author Coding Panda



    It is great to hear that the problem is solved. There used to be a reminder on the screen to ask users to save the parent item first, but it has disappeared since an update of WordPress. I will bring it back.

    You may want to display the titles of Farsi and English lyrics. Please watch this video from 12:05 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7YJLMPgG2U&t=2s It is based on Pods 2.7 but I am sure you can figure it out.

    To embed an iFrame, please use WYSIWYG.

    Thread Starter sinahosseinigst


    Thanks 😀

    Thread Starter sinahosseinigst


    Hi again,
    can u please help me show stuff on the front end?
    Padra content is the parent of all stuff, and each group inside Padra content shows every stuff related to every section of the website! For example, if I wanna add an announcement, I’d create a padra content (for the whole website, just once) and then inside it, I’d add an announcement for the first section, but since there are many many loops, my mind was blown so sorry, please help ;(

    Thread Starter sinahosseinigst


    @codingpanda I mean just send me an example of a piece of PHP code to be injected into the template! Thaaaanks 😀

    Plugin Author Coding Panda


    Hi @sinahosseinigst

    Do you mean you want to render out an announcement on the front end?

    Plugin Author Coding Panda


    Thread Starter sinahosseinigst


    Yep, can you please write the piece of code man, I’m super confused by the docs! 🙂

Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 39 total)
  • The topic ‘A weird glitch using Panda Pods Repeater Field causing all my content lost!’ is closed to new replies.