• Hello Folks,
    In a wordpress site i manage, i’m using an event query in many pages.
    This query display a list of events (Im using event organiser).

    My user would like to display this list in some specific pages.
    It’s is why i would like to create a Short Code, showing this event list in a post page.
    I created a plugin, and a shortcode, but it wont work.
    The Foreach part does not show.
    Could you tell me a to use a WP query in a plugin/function properly ?

    Here is my query function (simplified).

    <?php function wp_affiche_visites(){ ?>
    	$term_slug = "visites-guidees-et-gustatives-de-la-goutte-dor";
        $events = new WP_Query(array(
              'showpastevents'=>true,//Will be deprecated, but set it to true to play it safe.
     return '<h1 class="page-title"> Visites guidées </h1>';
     return '<div>';
     foreach ($events as $event):
      return '<h3 style="margin:0; font-size:1em;"><a href="'.get_permalink($event->ID).'">'.get_the_title($event->ID).'</a></h3>';
    return '</div>';
    add_shortcode('affiche_visites', 'wp_affiche_visites');

    The ShortCode [affiche_visites] just echoes “Visites guidées”.
    Any ideas ?
    Thanks you very much for any clues you could give me.

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